Friday, 11 January 2013

Marijuana-filled Media

Ah yes, the Media. This is by far one of the biggest influences of our lives. The sociology of media is so huge, that Mr. Adams gave it a whole new section!! So instead of it being related to our agents of socialization, it's now separate. But the funny thing is, the way you and your friends conduct yourselves, the way you live your lives, is based entirely around the media! I don't care how many times you deny this; we all know that Gangnam Style dance. And how do we know it? The media. Without Facebook and youtube and 4chan and whatever else Shawn goes on, do you really think we would have ever heard of Gangnam Style? No. But it goes even farther; without the media, we wouldn't even HAVE Gangnam Style! I know right? Scary shit.

Mass Communication

Mass communication is everything these days. To explain more on this, here's Dr. Michael Morgan, a professor from the University of Massachusetts.

Basically all he's saying is that with mass communication, we can reach millions of people in a second, minute, day. Our possibilities really are endless. So why did I bring up mass communication? Because without it, people would still think it's a drug (which it is). Right now, many people think that it's not, because it's good for you and that it's natural and all that nonsense. Weed is cool; why? Because everyone's doing it. Where do we get this idea? The media. See? Everything comes full circle. Kids want to be cool; where do we look for cool things? From the radio and the Internet and the TV and all that is, mass communication.

A way mass communication gets around, and enters our pop culture

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